
A Central Clock for Laravel Web Applications with ReactPHP

How to implement a central clock for a Laravel web application?

#Why A Central Clock is Needed?

Quizzes, time tracking, online education, Pomodoro timers, auctions, and many other web applications need a central clock.

The time on this clock is what all users see on their web page.

Such a central clock has to be implemented at the server, as this is the only place where we can rely on. It needs to be transmitted to the user's web page.

#Running the Clock with ReactPHP

Use ReactPHP to implement a timer, either periodic,

$timer = $loop->addPeriodicTimer($time, function() use(&$task) {
   broadcast(new TimeSignal(json_encode(...)));

or one time,

$timer = $loop->addTimer($time, function() use(&$task) {
	 broadcast(new TimedEvent(json_encode(...))); 

where TimeSignal and TimedEvent are Laravel events.

Events are broadcast using Laravel Echo Server, Laravel Websockets, or Soketi. Say on a channel time.

#Processing Time Signals in Front-End


Listen for events with Laravel Echo,'time')
  .listen('TimeSignal', (e) => {
  .listen('TimedEvent', (e) => {


Define in the Livewire component the listeners:

protected $listeners = [
	'echo:time,TimeSignal' => 'processTimeSignal',
	'echo:time,TimedEvent' => 'processTimedEvent',
Yoram Kornatzky

Yoram Kornatzky